little about us here at Demilo. My husband and I have been breeding
and showing dogs for over thirty years including Aust Silky Terriers,
British Bulldogs, Maltese and Shih Tzu and I am a licensed Toy, Terrier
and Non Sporting judge at Championship level. For the last four years
we have been concentrating all our efforts on the Cesky Terrier. Establishing
a rare breed in a new country is never an easy task but we at DEMILO
are attempting to do just this. We have brought in CTs from Norway,
Sweden, Canada and the U.K. which have proven very successful with the
general public and in the showring and hopefully with careful breeding
we will establish quality Cesky Terriers which will encourage the younger
generation to go forward in this delightful breed and to carry it into
the next Century.